Friday, December 14, 2012

New For 2013!! Sonora Mexico, Coues and Mule Deer

After a 5 year hiatus, we are again starting to outfit private land hunts in Sonora, Mexico for both giant Coues and Mule Deer. We have an extremely limited number of hunts available for this coming January and February and a limited number of hunts available for the 2013/14 season.

The average opinion of Sonora these days is that it is unsafe, shot out, and not even remotely worth the money that it costs versus the true chances of harvesting a big deer. All of the above can be true depending on where you roam and whom you choose to use as your outfitter.

First, the safety. Here is a great link that puts the safety of Mexico travel in true perspective.

If you read it in detail you will find that your true odds of getting harmed in old Mexico are about the same as visiting Albuquerque. If you are scared to visit Albuquerque then hunting Mexico is not for you. The bottom line is that if you get the proper paperwork and follow the laws and rules, statistically you will be just fine. Can something bad happen? Sure it can, but the odds are the same as they are in the good ol' USA as they are in ol' Mexico. If you want to go roam around the dark alleys in the bad part of town then, well, you are on your own...

Call or email if you want to the hunt this buck. This 13,000 acre ranch has never applied for permits until this year. It is available for two hunters this January.
Second, the shot out thing. Is Mexico shot out? As in, are all the big deer killed and gone and the glory days are over? The answer is some areas. The entire state of Sonora is virtually all private ranch land. Landowners can apply and get landowner tags similar to some U.S. states. Some landowners choose to sell as many hunts as possible each year and many ranches get rotated around the outfitting community regularly. Other landowners take great pride in the quality of bucks that "their" ranch produces. Similar to the Sonoran cattle business. Some cowmen raise as many common cattle on their property as possible and other choose to focus on quality and take pride in the health of their ranch, their product and their reputation. The hunting is the same. Any ranch we intend to book hunts on will be owned and operated by landowners that put quality first and are proud of the role their ranch will play in your success. The same practice we have maintained while building AZSB.

Third, cost versus odds. The average price for a Sonoran Mule Deer hunt is $10,000. Some ranches are more and some less, but 10K is a good average. This price has been standard for quite awhile and is a fair market value considering the cost of the tag, gun and UMA applications, outfitting, fuel, food and the several other overhead costs that go into pulling of a smooth and efficient hunt in Mexico. is only fair market value if the "odds" or "chance" of killing the buck you want are truly there. Many outfitters operating in Mexico focus on rotating as many new hunters thru their ranches as they can book. They are after the one time 10K payment and after it is secured, care little about the true outcome of your hunt or if you will come back the next year. We have always based our business practice on the sound theory that if we supply a superior product, and sell it with honesty, we will surpass our competition. It has surely paid off in Arizona, and we are taking this same mindset to Mexico. We want you to come back, and bring your friends also. Our Mexican partners, landowner base, and entire business plan will revolve around this goal...providing a superior product than all of our competitors. Does this guarantee that if you spend 10 grand with us you will kill a big deer? Absolutely not! What it does guarantee you is that we have used every resource we can, to put you in a situation where the odds will be the highest we can make them. After all, that's what you purchase when you book a free range hunt...a "chance" to kill a big animal.

Please feel free to call or email if you want to hear how our approach to outfitting in Mexico is different than all of our competitors and how our plan can lead you to the buck you have been waiting for...