Here are just a few more misc. pictures from the archery hunt. It was a great and successful time for all involved. Our first season offering "scouting packages" proved to be a sound investment with the harvesting of great buck that scored within 1/8th of an inch of 200"!
These packages are an awesome idea for those tag holders that either can't afford, or don't want, a fully guided hunt yet don't have the time to properly scout to set themselves up for success...

Mark's huge 226" buck As-He-Lay at the end of a blood trail a blind man could've followed!

Another live pic of Jeff Huffs awesome 195" incher...

Jeff Huff's Arizona Strip Buck taken on the 16th day of hunting...

Gale Bundrick with a huge Russian Boar taken during his Strip hunt! What a bonus...

Gale and his 199 7/8ths gross whopper harvested after purchasing a scouting package from us!