Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Below are just a few of the bucks we will be watching this coming season. The Arizona Strip has received a tremendous amount of early storms this year so far. It is my opinion that this early moisture goes way further toward good antler growth than rains later in the summer. As we speak the Strip is green as it can be and the deer are in awesome shape. I believe we could be looking at another year as good as last year. Time will tell but we are off to a great start! Sorry about the digital altering in some of the backgrounds of the pics, but, ya gotta do it...Thanks

This old heavy brute is obviously older than the hills but it will be fun to see what he is this year!

Great frame with some good extras starting. Could turn into something special.

Tons of mass, tons of width and some awesome non-typical points.

Great frame and long extra points. He should explode this season.

Picture does this buck no justice. Saw him upclose last year and he is a super stud!

This buck has it all as well. Big frame with giant G4's. Great extras. Should be huge!!

Here is a clean typical that should smash 200" with this years moisture.

Bad photo of a stellar buck. Saw this buck in person as well and he has a ton of potential. Elusive buck that we could not find during the season.

This buck is a giant! Enormous frame with huge beams. Can't wait to see him this year!!